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#NYCSchoolsTechChat: School Safety Tonight at 7 p.m.

During this month's #NYCSchoolsTechChat we will address ways to increase school safety. #NYCSchoolTech teacher Eileen Lennon moderates with me throwing in my two cents. 
You can prepare for the conversation by thinking about answers to these questions:

Q1 What approaches are you using to keep you and your students safe at school? #NYCSchoolsTechChat

Q2 You have to Maslow before you Bloom. How are you ensuring your students feel a sense of love and belonging in your classroom? https://theeducatorsroom.com/gotta-maslow-bloom/ #NYCSchoolsTechChat

Q3 What are schoolwide approaches used where you teach to help students who have experienced trauma or are suffering from PTSD? #NYCSchoolsTechChat

Q4 How does class size and class load affect your ability to connect & build relationships with students? How is your school ensuring you have a manageable number of students? #NYCSchoolsTechChat https://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/2017/09/its-class-load-not-just-size-that.html

Q5 How does your school and classroom help families and students feel welcomed and a sense of belonging in the school community? #NYCSchoolsTechChat

Q6 What methods is your school using to combat bullying / cyberbullying? #NYCSchoolsTechChat

Chat details are below:
Date: Thursday, March 1
Time: 7:00 pm
Topic: School Safety
Your Host: @eileen_lennon (@NYCSchools)
Co-Host: @InnovativeEdu (@NYCSchools)

Remember to respond using the hashtag #NYCSchoolsTechChat and include the number of the question you are answering in your response i.e. A1 and your answer.

We hope you can view the chat live, but if you are unable, please visit our archive at https://www.participate.com/chats/nycschoolstechchat. You can also participate in the chat at that link or if you have an iPhone download the app at https://www.participate.com/apps (coming to Android soon).

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