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How to Use Facebook Live for Learning: 5 Outcomes, 4 Things to Remember, 4 Mistakes to Avoid, 1 Great Video

It's no secret that livestreaming video that can be viewed later, is an incredibly powerful learning tool. In fact @MarkBarnes19 explained in this #HackLearning podcast, that livestreaming has the potential to break down the walls of school.

The problem is that despite we know this is true, it hasn't. The question is why?

The answer...

Because it's not that simple. Regardless of the platform, there are a lot of confusing little details. A Google Hangout on Air requires "7 Not So Simple Steps." There are platforms like UStream and Livestream, but still, not so simple and not so intuitive for others to find.  Some people use Skype add-ons and equipment to record, but add-ons and equipment are not that simple.

But, there's good news. That has all changed.

Facebook Live puts the simple into livestreaming. Seriously! If you can write a Facebook post, you can "Go Live!" Here's how:
It's literally that simple.  I tested out my first Go Live broadcast of a learning event this week capturing Alan November speaking to leaders in New York City. 

The first thing you should know is this.

It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!

So awesome that I think every educator who considers themselves innovative as well as those who don't should be doing this.  With just my phone, a Facebook post, and no preparation, I made a livestream that got this reaction.

The second thing you should know is this.
I want more »

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