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#TrumpEducation Still Popular But This Presentation Hack Is The Most Popular Post Innovative Educators Are Reading

Innovative Educators have gone through a wave of emotions following the election and at times it is the last thing we want to think of. That was evident this week on the Innovative Educator blog.  The series of posts I shared on what a #TrumpEducation means, was nudged out of the top. 

Taking the lead this week is a post where I share how this “Hack Will Help You Deliver Killer Presentations.” Check it out.  It is free, easy, and may just be what you need to deliver that next TED Talk or killer speech to sway your audience to consider a new perspective.  It is also a terrific technique to share with students if presentations are a part of your class.

Next up, back to the election where I share “What a #TrumpEducation Means...More or Less.
While #TrumpEducation moved out of first place this week, I have yet to share my reaction to the new ed secretary Trump has selected.  We’ll see if there’s still an appetite for such news once I do, and my take is not the standard fare.

Rounding out the top, is a post that lays out what A #TrumpEducation may mean less of. Things like the common core,  public school as we know it, and student debt and unemployment.

Here they are, the big three this week:

Check em out. If any are of interest, I hope you'll share with others using the buttons below. Please note Twitter has decided not to let folks share my blog url, so if you want to Tweet, please use a url shortener like Tinyurl.com.  

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