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3 Hottest Posts Everyone's Reading

Haven’t been keeping up with The Innovative Educator? Don’t worry. That’s what this wrap up is for.  Here are the three hottest posts that you don’t want to miss!

Two of the top three posts look at the role of the teacher in the age of Google. The first outlines considerations. The follow up post shares what we learned about the role of the teacher during the conversation colleagues and I had at Educon. Check it out for some thoughtful insights.

Making it to the top for the first time is a post where principal and superintendent Chris Lehmann explains how schools can effectively develop their vision and mission and points to the idea that this should be revisited each year with stakeholders. 

Jan 27, 2017, 
Feb 1, 2017, 
Jan 31, 2017, 

If any of these posts are of interest, check em out and share with others using the buttons below on Twitter, Facebook, email or whichever platform you like best.

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