4 Sites to Fight Fake News
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Common Sense Education has released a 1-minute video featuring four websites to separate fact from fiction. When the next viral story, makes it to class, take break to discuss media literacy and help your students determine how these sites can be of value.

Common Sense Education has released a 1-minute video featuring four websites to separate fact from fiction. When the next viral story, makes it to class, take break to discuss media literacy and help your students determine how these sites can be of value.
This site is all about following the money. It points out the connections among political contributions, lobbying data, and government policy. The site is run by a nonpartisan, independent, nonprofit, called the Center for Responsive Politics which is the nation's premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. The site was created so that citizens are empowered by access to clear and unbiased information about money’s role in politics and policy, and so they can use that knowledge to strengthen democracy. The site works to produce and disseminate information on money in politics to inform and engage Americans, champion transparency, and expose disproportionate or undue influence on public policy.
Here are some of the topics you will find on the site.
Innovative Educators: Not only is this a terrific site for the study of social studies and literacy, but it could also be a great resource for math / statistics.
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