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The 3 Hottest Posts on The Innovative Educator

Haven’t been keeping up with The Innovative Educator? Don’t worry. That’s what this wrap up is for.

Here’s what’s hot: Effective Meetings!

I had the opportunity to attend a full day workshop on effective meetings and I took what I learned and made it into articles for readers of The Innovative Educator.  Check out this week’s hottest posts and learn how to make meetings more effective, how to sabotage meetings with tips from a declassified CIA manual, and a post that gives a 4-step model to have productive meetings based on personality type.  

So what are you waiting for? Now's your chance. Take a look at the posts below and click the link to read one(s) that looks of interest to you.

If you like any of these posts, I hope you’ll share with others on Twitter, Facebook, email or whichever platform you like best.

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