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Fixing School & The Role Companies Play - #IamME Podcast on @EpiphanyLearn

I had the opportunity to share my insights about learning in this #IamMe interview with Laura Henderson. You can check out the interview on the Epiphany Learning website where you will also find more about what I shared and resources to learn more.

I discuss topics such as:
  • Why school is a waste of time for most students, how we can change that, and school resources and models that work.
  • The importance of loudly, publicly, and fearlessly sharing our dissatisfaction with the school system and go beyond opinion. Have the facts and research to back such views.
  • My educational code: 
    • Do what is best for students. Best means helping students to feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment. 
  • Why we must stop agreeing to disagree.
  • How companies can partner with schools to develop relationships that grow educator expertise and support student learning.
  • The role of the teacher in the age of technology.
  • How I've made an impact in areas in the nation's largest school district: 
    • Include educator, students, and parent voice in the decisions, guidelines, and policies that affect them.
    • Connect educators in online communities and face-to-face.
    • Develop relationships with the people behind the products and resources educators use themselves and with students.
    • Harness the power of social media to give a voice to students, educators, and parents.
  • Why I believe we should allow food and drink in the library and lab and empower students and staff to be responsible citizens who can clean up after themselves.
  • How I've received funding and volunteer support for libraries and labs.
  • Why educators have a moral imperative to be in the online, social worlds of students. 
  • The importance of online communities to make connections and strengthen relationships.
  • My challenge for educators
    • Have students do real-world work rather than work for the teacher and examples of teachers who do this.
  • The one strategy teachers could implement to result in powerful outcomes for their students and themselves.

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