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A Common Sense Approach to Talking to Students About Charlottesville

When difficult news and events take place in our world, it stands to reason that difficult topics may work their way into the classroom. Unfortunately educators don't have much training on how to best approach such situations with students. 

Thank goodness for Common Sense...
Education that is. 

When difficult events take place like the horrific display of hate in Charlottesville, Virginia Common Sense comes through with some helpful tools and resources to address students. You can sign up here to be informed directly from Common Sense. 

Erin Wilkey Oh, Executive Editor, of Common Sense Education shares the collection of resources below that will help schools have tough conversations with students to help them fight for a better world. When such sensitive topics come up, be sure to loop in the right team at your school to determine your best strategy. You'll want to reach out to staff such as administration, guidance counselors, librarians, parent coordinators, advisory, and in places like NYC "Respect for All" liaisons. 
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