Role of Tech in Ed: Consideration #1
Innovative educators know how to move technology from being viewed as a weapon of mass distraction to being used as a tool of engagement, but this isn’t intuitive for everyone. Tech is a powerful teaching and learning tool that has the ability to transform education. Not sure how to begin?
Start with these ideas of ways to use technology to support teaching and learning.
Technology can changes the role of the teacher in meaningful ways. When we no longer need to rely on the teacher as the sole source provider of knowledge instruction becomes more personalized to ability and customized to learning styles. More one on one and small group instruction can take place. There is more time for getting to know each student and build relationships.
- Read more at When Tech Teaches, What Do Teachers Do?
Steve Jobs said it well when he shared in this video that for the most part, those who don’t get what they want have never bothered to ask. He explains that young people have an advantage when asking adults for support and tells the story of himself picking up the phone at 12 years old and calling Bill Hewlett (of Hewlett Packard). At the time, his number was in the phone book. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and other social platforms are the phonebooks of today’s students and provide one of the most powerful tools for learning. The teacher supports this learning by ensuring students are equipped to safely, effectively, and responsibly reach out to these strangers to develop that network.
- Read more at Supporting Student Personal Learning Networks and 15-Year-Old explains the key to developing a #PLN
This is part of a series in my conversation with author and professor Liz Kolb, who is teaching a course at the University of Michigan that addresses ways technology supports modern teaching and learning. Stay tuned on The Innovative Educator blog for the additional considerations in future posts. For a recap of all ten considerations visit
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