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The 3 Most Popular Posts Innovative Educators Are Reading

If you haven’t been keeping up with The Innovative Educator, don’t worry. That’s what this wrap up is for.  Here are the three hottest posts that you don’t want to miss!

Taking the top spot for the first time is Guidelines for Setting Up a School Facebook PageThe post explains how to get started in setting up a Facebook Page and includes screenshots and advice from Darlynn Alfalla who shares the settings she used for her school page. 

Next up for another week is 6 Skills Students Today Must Develop. It includes some terrific tools to ensure these are the 21st century skills your students develop and provides a useful framework for implementing this work and having conversations about what students need for success today.  

Rounding out the top is a post that takes a top spot for the first time called 3 Innovative #EdTechIdeas fr #CDETop30. In it I share the inspirational work of three educators that can be considered for incorporation in classrooms, schools, and districts interested in embracing innovation. The post features educator Tonya Tivis who takes education on the road with a food truck, school leader Megan Power who shares how teachers in her school have become lead experience designers, and Luvelle Brown who shares how he leads who district to success by developing a culture of love.

Oct 22, 2016, 2 comments
Sep 28, 2016
Oct 26, 2016

If any of these posts are of interest, check em out and share with others using the buttons below on Twitter, Facebook, email or whichever platform you like best.

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